Q: When is the least expensive tooth replacement method really the most expensive?
A: When it ends up costing far more in the long run.
Many people who lose a tooth do not understand the importance of replacing it with a dental implant. They wrongly believe that one missing tooth is not a significant problem. In fact, some people who have an abscessed tooth extracted are so glad the pain is gone that they forget that the extraction is not the solution.
At Wildflower Dental in Sun City AZ, we set the record straight. When a tooth is lost, the risk of losing the adjacent teeth increases dramatically.
Dr. David Scharf, a Board Certified Periodontist and Dental Implant Surgeon and a Clinical Assistant Professor at New York University College of Dentistry says:
“Many times consumers will choose to replace a missing tooth with a removable partial denture because it is the least expensive option. In the long run however, removable partial dentures may be more costly due the loss of adjacent teeth and the need for future replacements. Many people opt to replace teeth with dental implants because they do not compromise the survival of the adjacent teeth.”
Dr. Scharf notes…
“With the price of gasoline and food soaring people try to cut back wherever they can. Unfortunately choosing the least expensive options for tooth replacement can have some very costly ramifications down the road.”
If you are missing a tooth, you may still be able to save the adjacent teeth if receive an implant soon. An implant bonds with the jaw bone and helps maintain its stability.
To schedule a dental implant consultation, call (623) 400-2117 Wildflower Dental in Sun City AZ.