With snap-in dentures from Wildflower Dental in Sun City AZ, denture-wearers are forever free from the instability of traditional dentures.
Unlike traditional dentures, snap-in dentures are firmly attached to the jaw, so that they stay easily and comfortably in place. This stability is achieved with dental implants.
Dental implants, as you may know, are titanium posts that are inserted directly into the jawbone. Titanium is well-suited to implants because it fuses so well with human bone.
Once the implant has fused, you have a rock-solid support for snap-in dentures. They also prevent the bone recession, and resulting facial sag, common with traditional dentures.
Ordinary dentures tend to come loose with the simplest of actions, like coughing or sneezing, or just laughing. It is inconvenient, to say the least, and more than a little embarrassing.
The snap-in dentures attach directly to the dental implants, so they won’t slip or slide. They also eliminate the discomfort of ordinary dentures, which can irritate the gums.
Snap-in dentures from Wildflower Dental in Sun City AZ can change your life for the better! We also offer single-tooth dental implants, and a full range of other dental services. Call us to schedule an appointment today!